You started your business to make money doing what you love – let Accounting in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex handle your books so you can focus on making money, generating sales, and helping customers.
Perfect for small and medium sized businesses, our accountants and bookkeepers help you keep track of sales, paychecks, payments, debts, bills, and more to give you an accurate financial picture of your business. We are QuickBooks certified, and give you reporting that’s easy to understand and use in the future. 


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You’ve got enough on your plate running and maintaining your business. Our Certified Public Accountant makes it easy to keep track of your employee’s income, stay on top of your finances, and ensure your employees are properly compensated.
  • Weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly paycheck disbursements
  • Accurate filing and reduced liability for errors
  • Easily keep track of hours, wages, tips, and more


We do the busy work of collecting receipts, paystubs, invoices and accountant statements for you. These documents and records are regularly reconciled into your books so you know exactly where your business stands. Accurate financial reporting is the foundation for any good business, helping you to make informed decisions and making further growth, taxes, payroll, and investments easy.


Every business is different, and that’s why we take a one-on-one approach to better understand your operation and offer suggestions on how we can help improve your business. The road to a streamlined, more efficient business starts with an in-person consultation so we can come up with a custom bookkeeping and financial reporting model that works for you.
When you call Accounting, you don’t get an answering service or automated responses – you get a local CPA ready and eager to help you manage your business.
For every budget, for every business, we can help. Call us today at
(844) 339-6334
to explore your options.
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